Logo Masterpieces


The LogoMasterpieces Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
Terms of Service

Working with LogoMasterpieces

By accessing the LogoMasterpieces website (www.LogoMasterpieces.com), utilizing design services, or submitting a project via email, phone, or in person, you (“THE CLIENT”) agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use (“TERMS AND CONDITIONS”) outlined below. Please familiarize yourself with our TERMS AND CONDITIONS before placing any order for artwork, logo design, or multimedia design (“THE PROJECT”). If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, you may not use LogoMasterpieces design services, studio, or website(s). Submission of a project via our website, email order, or social media request indicates your agreement to these terms, and you fully accept our terms and conditions.

In the context of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS, “PRELIMINARY DESIGNS” refers to the initial set of logo/artwork concepts presented to THE CLIENT by LogoMasterpieces as part of THE PROJECT. “REVISION(S)” shall refer to changes to PRELIMINARY DESIGNS and/or new artwork after the presentation of PRELIMINARY DESIGNS. “FINAL DESIGN(S)” refers to the artwork and/or logo design approved by THE CLIENT as completed artwork, including any copyright transfer if applicable.

Starting a new design project

1) LogoMasterpieces initiates the creation of a visual identity logo design (THE PROJECT) upon receiving a deposit fee from THE CLIENT, equal to or exceeding 50% of the full billable amount. A signed DESIGN AGREEMENT FORM, outlining the project details and requirements, is required before project commencement.

Completion of a design project.

2) After completing THE PROJECT, THE CLIENT agrees to pay the remaining balance within 5 business days. Upon receipt of this balance, LogoMasterpieces agrees to transfer all electronic files related to THE PROJECT to THE CLIENT through the agreed-upon method. LogoMasterpieces will transfer copyright ownership to the client in writing at that time. LogoMasterpieces retains the right to utilize any artwork, designs, edits, revisions, and work product from THE PROJECT for advertising, promotion, and other non-paying displays.

Copyright and/or trademark.

3) Due to the complexities of international copyright and trademark law, LogoMasterpieces will not be held liable if THE CLIENT infringes on an existing copyright, trademark, or service mark related to the project name, description, or service. All ARTWORK designs created during THE PROJECT are original works protected by copyright.

Client supplied artwork & reference material.

4) THE CLIENT agrees that any digital material supplied for inclusion in THE PROJECT (“CLIENT SUPPLIED MATERIALS”) is the property of THE CLIENT or obtained with the necessary permissions. THE CLIENT indemnifies LogoMasterpieces if CLIENT SUPPLIED MATERIALS infringe on copyright, trademark, or intellectual property claims. If CLIENT supplies artwork without copyright notice or signed permission, LogoMasterpieces reserves the right to waive copyright ownership claim.

Payment service terms

5) Once THE PROJECT has commenced, all deposit payments become non-refundable. Cancellation before the presentation of PRELIMINARY DESIGNS incurs a £60 administration service charge. If THE CLIENT cancels after PRELIMINARY DESIGNS have been posted but before any REVISION requests, such cancellation is subject to full payment.

Project scope

6) No further changes in the PROJECT scope may be requested after PRELIMINARY DESIGNS have been presented. Client publishing of PRELIMINARY DESIGNS constitutes full acceptance of ANY material related to THE PROJECT. Failure to provide feedback within 28 days may result in project removal from servers, subject to a reactivation fee.

7) If THE CLIENT fails to communicate regarding any initiated project for over 90 days, the project will be canceled, and deposits applied as an END-FEE. Reactivation will be subject to new project activation, submission, and deposits unless waived in writing by LogoMasterpieces.

8) If, after 60 days from project submission, THE CLIENT wishes to alter the original scope, a new project is deemed, subject to new deposit payments and END-FEES.

Project work product, concepts & unused designs

9) All work product created in THE PROJECT remains the exclusive copyright and intellectual property of LogoMasterpieces, except the FINAL design accepted by THE CLIENT. Any use by THE CLIENT requires written permission from LogoMasterpieces.

10) LogoMasterpieces is not liable for damages incurred by the client in the use of artwork created in THE PROJECT by third parties, unless contracted by LogoMasterpieces as a ‘work-for-hire’ vendor or in direct consultation.


How we treat client information

We respect your privacy and have developed this privacy policy to outline how we collect, use, communicate, disclose, and make use of personal information.

Information collection

We obtain information from you via quote request email notifications, client access registrations, design project submissions, and design blog comments.

How we use this information

Information supplied is used only for its original purpose. We do not share or sell your email address or personal information. Cookies are used for efficient website use.

E-mail communication

LogoMasterpieces sends emails only upon request, such as order confirmation, shipment confirmation, and responses to online inquiries or revision requests.

Billing information

We do not store credit card information. All project payments are through trusted internet credit card service providers such as PayPal, Payoneer and Wise.

Use of artwork on our site

LogoMasterpieces may use portions of design work in our gallery or Logo Design Store, strictly adhering to our terms and conditions.

Review the site periodically for updates to this information.

We conduct our business in accordance with these principles to protect and maintain the confidentiality of personal information. LogoMasterpieces may change this privacy policy at its sole discretion.